Elena Goltsova

Dermatologist, cosmetologist, PhD, M.D., international trainer-expert in injection methods, certified trainer in Ultherapy method

Head of the department of cosmetology with a course in trichology

Chief freelance specialist in cosmetology, Department of health care of the Tyumen region

CEO and Chief Doctor of GG beauty cosmetology clinics Moscow, Tyumen

Ambassador of the Cellgel line of wound healing products

Toward my dream

I am a creative person. For eight years I studied at the art department of the School of Arts. As a child there was both dancing and choreography. I have always been attracted to creative professions, and when I went to medical school, I already knew that I would do aesthetic medicine. The only dilemma at that time was a choice between surgical and therapeutic medicine. I chose the therapeutic medicine and I am extremely happy about it. Cosmetology is a very creative profession, in which we doctors, like artists, emphasize the individual beauty of the patient.

Thus, in 2002 I graduated with honors from Tyumen State Medical Academy, majoring in General Medicine. I started my career as a cosmetologist, dermatologist and trichologist at Tyumen Regional Dermatology and Venereology Dispensary.

Soon after I defended my thesis in 2004 on the degree of candidate of medical sciences in the specialty of skin and venereal diseases, I had the idea of opening a clinic, where cosmetology services will be rendered on the basis of the latest achievements of the world science in the field of aesthetic medicine. Even then, more than 15 years ago, the outlines of the dream were clear, but there was a long way to its implementation ...

On my business card: dermatologist and cosmetologist, lecturer, M.D.

There are three ways in which a doctor can fulfill himself as a professional:

The first is by taking patients and practicing medicine every day, perfecting his "craft. Today we can already assess our health condition with regard to genotype, conduct genetic research and see the predisposition to certain diseases. We can't change our genotype, but we can change the environmental conditions that influence it, as well as our lifestyle and diet. A cosmetologist is considered competent if he takes into account the condition of the patient's internal organs, evaluates the passport and biological age, delves into the nature of nutrition, does not neglect prescribing consultations with specialists - approaches comprehensively and individually to the patient's problem.

Secondly, by teaching knowledge and practical skills, because by sharing his experience with his students, the doctor continues to learn, and a good doctor, as we know, learns throughout his life.

And thirdly, only science expands the boundaries of our knowledge of the human being and his states of health. Therefore one of the most important components of my work is scientific activity. For a long time I have been studying cells and cell interactions, passport and biological age, mechanisms of aging, I have a lot of publications, a number of scientific patents, like many other people, but I still open the veil of mysteries of the Nature, but I see the future behind it.

The work of the beautician should not be visible

People around should notice a well-groomed and healthy appearance without realizing that the person is visiting a cosmetologist - that is the secret of aesthetic medicine.

It is very important that the cosmetologist is also... an artist. Ability to see harmony is an obligatory skill for the profession of a cosmetologist, who works not with one wrinkle, but with the image of the whole person.

Nowadays naturalness and individual beauty are valued. Considering the individual features of each patient's appearance, it is important to emphasize virtues and hide flaws, while staying within the framework of aesthetic beauty - akin to creating an artistic canvas or sculpture. 

We were pioneers in cosmetology

I remember how in 2005 we opened the NEO-Clinic in Tyumen. As its co-founder, I worked there until 2017 as medical director, combining my work with that of a cosmetologist. In Tyumen we were pioneers, trying to bring in all the best and most advanced that exists in the world experience of aesthetic medicine. The main thing is to be honest with yourself, do your work with 100% pleasure and love, and no competition will scare you. For me, as well as for the entire team, it was not just a business, but the beginning of the business of a lifetime.

Russia is one of the leading countries in aesthetic cosmetology

Since 2007, at the invitation of the organizers, I have been a regular lecturer and speaker at Russian and world aesthetic medicine congresses held in Europe and Asia.

I would like to point out that our doctors work masterfully and beautifully. And that is because we have a multinational country, and our patients come to us with different ethnic and national features of the facial cranium structures, different anatomy of facial muscles, and architecture of the image as a whole. And, each requires a strictly individual approach. That is why many foreign patients come to us. Speaking of cosmetology in general, we must note the leadership of the United States in the production of new devices and products, where aesthetic cosmetology was born, while Germany, Italy and France are not far behind. Now we are witnessing a boom in aesthetic medicine in Asia. On the market, there are many Asian devices and products, both high quality and illegitimate. Russian doctors, for their part, can boast of skilful use and a virtuoso combination of technologies in their desire to achieve the best results.

At the most important events for the cosmetology industry - AMWC, AMEC, AMWC EE, IMCAS and others - I conduct live demonstrations and master classes.

Knowledge and skills to colleagues

For more than 10 years I have been the head of the cosmetology course at the department of skin and venereal diseases of FPC and PPS of Tyumen State Medical Academy and in 2013 I was awarded the certificate of honor of Tyumen State Medical Academy for exemplary performance of duties and continuous perfect work.

Since 2014, I have continued my teaching activity as the head of the cosmetology department with trichology course, but already in a private institution of additional professional education for medical workers "New level" on the basis of GG beauty clinics in Moscow and Tyumen.

Head of the Department of Cosmetology with Trichology Course

I must say that educational activities are one of the most important in my work and therefore a separate floor in the clinics is always educational, where we conduct training, master classes for cosmetologists and clinic managers, as well as art meetings with people from creative professions (artists, writers, musicians).

As a certified trainer-expert on injection methods of "Ipsen" and "Merz" companies in Russia since 2008, I regularly hold author's master classes at the invitation of companies in various Russian cities; I take part in meetings of the Expert Board, including as a speaker. At the same time I hold independent author's master classes for beauty therapists at GG beauty clinics in Moscow and Tyumen.

In addition, I regularly give courses for doctors, both as part of primary education in the specialty "Cosmetology" and master classes on specific topics for experienced doctors; I also participate in international congresses on aesthetic medicine in Europe and Asia, thanks to which the number of graduates from every year is only increasing and the geography of coming cadets is expanding.

Certified trainer-expert in injection methods

The internship takes place in GG beauty clinics in Moscow and Tyumen. This creates the best prerequisites for your favorite business - to pass on knowledge, best techniques and author's developments to your colleagues. All this first-hand and on the most modern equipment.

Certified Ultherapy Trainer

Ultherapy - ultrasound smas lifting is the best non-surgical procedure for lifting and firming the skin, requiring no rehabilitation period, with many studies on effectiveness and safety. I provide individual training with hand positioning and author's master classes.

Chief freelance specialist in cosmetology of the Department of Health of the Tyumen region

In addition to seeing patients on a daily basis, teaching and coaching, I am also engaged in scientific activities. The field of my scientific research is research in the field of aesthetic and anti-aging medicine.

In particular, there were a number of works on the study of intercellular interactions in the skin, studies of the use of autologous dermal fibroblasts for rejuvenation, studies of the combined use of laser and botulinum therapy, skin reparation and regeneration in cosmetology, which were implemented in a number of injection methods.

I am currently preparing my doctoral dissertation.

I'm the kind of doctor who easily says no to my patients

Yes, it is, and I can refuse a procedure if I see that it is not indicated, even if the patient insists on it. I can always explain why it is not necessary. And, as a rule, patients listen. It's very important that the patient's vision of beauty coincides with the doctor's vision. In this case you get the most beautiful results.

I believe the most important thing is to be honest with the patient and be guided by the principles of medicine, the first of which is: "Do no harm!" In addition, to prescribe to the patient only what you, as a doctor, think is good for him. We joke about this, ask the doctor what he prescribed to the patient and what he would prescribe to himself in this case - the answers are often not the same. :) So, in aesthetic medicine it's doubly important.

Maybe that's why I was awarded a letter of commendation from the Governor of the Tyumen region for high professionalism, selfless labor and significant contribution to the development of the region, and the procedure of contour face plasty performed by me was awarded the sign "Excellent Quality", as a finalist in the "100 Best Services of Russia". :)

Atmosphere of Beauty

GG beauty clinic in Moscow is a concept of an art beauty space where expert level cosmetology, dermatology and gynecology are presented. The clinic is located in the center of the capital, and this area has always attracted creative people who pay great attention to external and internal beauty. That is why the concept of art-space appeared. The walls of the clinic are decorated with original paintings by the Spanish artist Alexander Yaya. So here you can get not only treatments, but also enjoy the aesthetics, getting acquainted with the works of the world famous artist.

I am a perfectionist and it keeps me from acting rashly

When you need to do a lot of things, and you do not have time because of the limited time resource, when 24 hours a day is not enough, but it is necessary as a classic: "... to live in a hurry and feel the rush. :) It really bums me out, I do not know what to hold on to. But, the "cure" is found! In such situations, I make myself relax for a few minutes, prioritize my actions, and then - step by step.

This attitude to life and work was the prerequisite for the creation of a network of cosmetology clinics and professional cosmetics boutiques in Moscow and Tyumen, of which I am now the general director and chief physician.

You are welcome!

The opening of the clinic in Moscow was not spontaneous. First of all, I noticed that in the last few years a lot of patients from different cities of Russia have come to me for procedures in Tyumen. Most of them live and work in Moscow and for them it would be very convenient to have a branch of our clinic in the capital.

Secondly, as a doctor trainer, I am in the capital for a long time, on 2-3 business trips a month.

Thirdly, I have many friends and colleagues in Moscow with whom I can talk, both about work and about life. Tyumen is my home town and I can't say that it has become crowded here, but the geographic expansion and opening of the clinic in Moscow has created the preconditions for the development and provision of expert level cosmetology procedures now also in the capital. 

Философия моего счастья

Не так давно мне задали вопрос: что делает вас счастливой?

Что-то или кто-то не может делать нас счастливыми. Пожалуй, самый сложный вопрос для любого человека и для меня в частности. Но, попробую ответить. Счастье – это имя радости, имя хорошего настроения, имя желания жить. Счастье – это гармония намерений и следствий. Счастье – это способность человека сделать выбор в любой миг, иными словами – быть свободным. Конечно, многие обстоятельства влияют на счастье, но человек делает счастливым себя сам. Я счастлива, потому что жива, позитивна и могу заниматься любимым делом, принося другим людям радость.

Так, для себя я вывела философию своей творческой деятельности – лечить, учить и изучать, которой следую в своей ежедневной практике уже более 20 лет.

Мои родные и близкие только своим благополучием удваивают моё счастье. Жаль только, что времени мало делить его с ними.
Но, я стараюсь находить. Иногда мне это удаётся, этим и счастлива!


Vallex M
Matrix GO
New level
Skin Technology
Main Care
Skin Ceuticals
Strategy M